Inspiring August: Re-Evaluate, Re-Set and Re-Start

August has arrived, bringing with it the winds of change and leaving only 4 months left to the end of 2023.  This is a sobering thought especially if we set goals at the beginning of the year and haven’t been following up with your progress.  Let August inspire you to let go of what is […]

Winter Has Arrived

Winter is the time where most of us like to hibernate by staying indoors, limit social outdoor events and just take time to catch up on some quiet time to do what you want to do.   Some Me Time Time to Declutter While the weather is cold outside, this gives us the perfect opportunity […]

Welcome, Autumn 2023!

June is the month when the outside air becomes crisper and we start reaching for our jerseys. Autumn gives us a beautiful show of changing colours, falling leaves and being a witness to how nature is preparing itself for winter.   Pen-to-Paper This is the month to get the thoughts out of your head and […]

Autumn – The Season of Release

A time of hot chocolatey mornings, toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves! Autumn has arrived and with it the days become shorter, mornings and evenings are cooler and cuddle time is spent under warm blankets. Now is the time to let anything in your life fall away that is no longer […]

What Does Your Mirror Say?

  A new month has arrived and we are reaching the end of a season, hot sunny days and beautiful, refreshing thunderstorms will soon turn to cooler days and more time spent wrapped under a warm blanket while appreciating the blessings that colourful Autumn has to offer us. The important thing to remember is that […]

Navigating the month of Love and Tax like a breeze!

So, we’ve made it through the longest month of the year and we’re still standing! Kids have settled into their new year and schedules are beginning to run at full steam. New years resolutions are working out pretty well, or if you’re like the majority of the population, they’re already out the window. Now we […]

Turning JanuWorry to JanuWellness

January 2023 Newsletter A new year is upon us and new opportunities await us to make this our best year yet! Let’s face it, this alone is overwhelming enough without adding all the other stressors that the month of January brings. After the upheaval of 2020 and 2021, there is no one I know that […]