Your Growth Starts Here

At Azura Body Mind Soul, our focus is to help people overcome the turmoil of their past and embrace the possibilities of their future through comprehensive life coaching.

Who is Azura?

Azura Body Mind Soul is made up of two partners — Claudia and Cassandra. 

The passion and drive to empower as many people as we can around us, to not only choose life, but thrive, is how Azura Body Mind Soul was conceived. 

The combined skills offered to prospective clients range from various coaching outcomes and workshops to retreats that help  you overcome grief and grow into the person you’ve always wanted to be.

life coaching that changes lives for the better

Services Designed To Assist Your Growth

We offer a range of services that include one-on-one sessions, to group workshops and retreats. Our services are designed with you and your growth in mind.


Our one-on-one coaching is a powerful way to help you progress and grow in any avenue of your life. Get focused, get growing.


Our workshops are a great place to “put in the work” for your self-growth. Designed as a collaborative experience, you’ll meet new people with similar interests and experiences as you.


Our retreats offer a sort of escape combined with an enlightening workshop. You’ll get out of town and surround yourself with nature while focusing on you and your growth at the same time.

A Philosophy Inspired By Nature Itself

Designed with the elements in mind. We implement teachings founded on the characteristics of the elements around us.

fire element


Instilling strength and energy in all that you do. Becoming an unyielding warmth in your life, and others’.

water element


Learn to adapt and persist in all areas of your life — and, flow with the rollercoaster that is life.

earth element


Become patient and grounded in your daily life. Learn to take each step forward reliably.

air element


Embrace the expansive and unbound nature of your mind. Move effortlessly, with strength.

personal life coaching and workshops

Are In Control

At the end of the day, the choice to overcome and grow is yours. We can only help you on your path. Take that first step, give us a call, and let’s discover You.

self growth workshops and retreats

Latest News & Articles

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How We've Helped

Our clients have all taken the first step. Although the journey was difficult, they all know it was worth it.