Inspiring August: Re-Evaluate, Re-Set and Re-Start

August has arrived, bringing with it the winds of change and leaving only 4 months left to the end of 2023.  This is a sobering thought especially if we set goals at the beginning of the year and haven’t been following up with your progress.  Let August inspire you to let go of what is no longer serving you and re-evaluate your goals to give you that last push to achieve!


Woman’s Month

August is also the national celebration of Woman’s Month.  In South Africa, we live with the reality of escalated levels of woman abuse and violent deaths which overshadow what should be a celebration of our beauty, our strength and everything beautiful we bring to this world. We continue to fight and stand together as woman.


This year the woman celebration is to celebrate woman in our inner circles such as strong woman, supporting woman, loving woman, fun woman, spontaneous woman, our worrying and anxious woman, our defenders, our praying woman and ultimately every woman.



Make sure that you set some time aside for yourself, for your soul, to reflect and take stock of your inner voice. This can be done by having a picnic (weather is improving) to enjoy the silence with only birds and nature to distract you and allowing the gentle breeze to blow away anything that is weighing you down, taking yourself to a spa with a special friend for treatment that you both enjoy.  Lunching with girlfriends that inspire you or anything that excites you and gives you the time to just be.




Giving Back, In a Huge Way!

August is also the month to celebrate Organ Donor Month.  This is a personal decision but a worthy one at that.  The website where you can get more information is on We never know the true blessing of organ donors until we or our loved ones would need to be recipients of a donor.


Spring is Near!



Spring is less than a month away and I am sure most of us are jumping up and down with glee but let us make use of the time by realigning our goals, being realistic about our goals and viewing our goals with new vigor.  With Spring on the way, it will give us the energy to push through the last 4 months.

Enjoy your Woman’s Month and make it count for you.